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Friday, 21 October 2011

Aktiviti yang menarik untuk mengenal huruf..

Anda mungkin tercari-cari program yang sesuai untuk peringkat awal persekolahan ini. Jom kita layari laman web berikut. Aktivitinya sesuai dengan anak-anak didik kita.
  1. ABC's - Click on the letter to hear its name.
  2. ABC's - Click on the letter to hear its name.
  3. ABC's - British site; the lower case D'Neilian style letters appear one at a time and the name of the letter is stated. Z is pronounced zed in Britian.
  4. ABC - magnet alphabet video
  5. ABC Video - Teach your child the sounds of letters with this online movie based on the Reading Lesson
  6. ABC Mommy and Me - Click on the letters to hear their names.
  7. The ABC Game - Pick the object that starts with the letter shown at the top of each page. This game has 10 questions
  8. The Alphabet - States the Alphabet in order. This is a British site and the Zis not called a Z. When you click on the letters across the top, you have a choice of listening to the name, listening to the sound, learning how to write the letter.
  9. Alphabet Antics - Listen to the monkey say the letter. Click on the correct letter. Three levels.
  10. Alphabet Art - A few fun mediums you can use to help your students form letters of the alphabet.
  1. Alphabet Action - Click a letter to hear its name and see a picture.
  2. Alphabet Awareness - from StarFall - click on a letter and hear the name of the letter. When the arrow at the bottom is clicked, the sound of the letter is heard along with a rhyme.
  3. Alphabet Coloring Pages - Many pictures for each letter. Color online
  4. Alphabet Goop - stir the goop and then match what comes out to one of two letters
  5. Alphabet Match Game - Match capital with small letter.
  6. Alphabet Preschool Activities and Crafts - Each letter has a variety of activities and crafts.
  7. The Alphabet Jungle Song - Song, plus letters. This is a British site and the Z is called a zed.
  8. The Animated Alphabet - Click on a letter on the left and it states the letter and has a movie to go with it.
  9. Keyboard-O-rama - Press any letter on the keyboard and Elmo will tell you what it is and show a picture that starts with that letter.
  10. Learn Your ABC's - (from Fisher Price) The letter is named. Students press a letter on the keyboard to go to the next letter. Gets students used to using the keyboard as an input objects instead of the mouse.
  11. Learn your Letters - click on the objects that start with the given letter - after selecting the letters Jump with Cow to collect objects practicing moving your mouse
  12. Letter Practice - Dotted pages to print to help trace letters with fingers for recognition.
  13. Letter TV Teacher Audio Alphabet - click on a letter to hear it pronounced.
  14. Lost Letters - type letters which pop up on the screen to spell words - three levels
  15. Magic Mailbox ABC's - Click to see what letter is hiding in the mailbox. random letters pop out and are pronounced
  16. Musical Worms Spelling - in Level 1 see the word and click on correct letters one at a time, singing worms will tell you what you spelled. Level 2 shows a picture and pronounces but students must spell by clicking on letters
  17. Online Alphabet book - see the letter and a pictures to associate with it. No audio
  18. Printed Alphabet activities - Cut letters into pieces for a center time activity. Put a letter train together in correct order. Many other activities
  19. Pick a letter and hear its name - Click on a letter and hear the name of the letter;see a picture of an object that starts with that letter.
  20. Songs for each letter of the alphabet - Click on the letter and hear the song .
  21. Sunnie's Letters - Segments of letters so child is not overwhelmed. Match picture to beginning sound after identifying set of letters.

Aktiviti Kenal Huruf utk B.Inggeris

Aktiviti ni cedok dari web luar negara...
Copyright © 2009 Sheila Anderson
Knowing the alphabet is a vital precursor to learning how to read. Children who know the alphabet before entering school have a natural advantage over children who can’t identify the letters of the alphabet. Learning the alphabet doesn’t have to be an arduous task. In fact, teaching the alphabet is more effective when you make it fun. Different children find different activities fun, so try different teaching techniques. Here are eight tips you can try to teach your child the alphabet.

1. The Alphabet Song

It may sound very basic, but before you actively try to teach your child the visual representation of letters, first teach them the letter names with the alphabet song. After having sung this with your child several times, then you can start pointing to letters as you sing the song to show your child that the letter names actually match printed letters. Print out a sheet of large letters and point to them as you sing. After doing this a few times, hold your child’s hand and point their finger to the letters as you sing. Finally have the child point to the letters on his/her own as you sing together.

2. Point to Letters on Everyday Objects

Every so often throughout the day point to a word you see and tell your child the starting letter or ending letter. For example, if you’re out with your child at Walmart, as you’re walking towards the building say, “Look, Walmart starts with W.” At the breakfast table point to the cereal box at talk about the first letter of the cereal name, or if there’s a logo on your clothes, talk about the letters of the logo. There are countless opportunities to point out letters here and there. Encourage your child to point out letters that he/she knows and make a big deal about it when the child does this independently.

3. Do a Letter Hunt

Pick a letter as the theme letter for your letter hunt. Then go around the house, or the shopping mall, or wherever you are, and find the letter you are looking for in at least 10 places: signs, books, products, toys, etc. If you are at home doing this you can actually pick up the items and collect the 10 things in a pile. Kids will enjoy collecting the items and then going around helping you put the items away.

4. Alphabet Coloring Pages

Many children love coloring so much that they can spend several hours every week coloring. Why not print off some coloring pages with the letter prominently displayed and associated with a picture of something that begins with the letter. Tell your child what the letter is and have the child repeat it back to you. Then discuss the picture and explain that the picture also starts with the letter.

5. Alphabet Mazes

Some children aren’t as interested in coloring but really enjoy finding their way through a maze. While the child is working on the maze talk to them about the letter and have them repeat the letter name. Talk to them about words that begin with that letter. After they finish the maze have your child try to draw the letter at the bottom of the page.

6. Letters of their Name

Often the first letters children learn are the letters of their name. Start by just saying aloud the spelling of their name. If you can come up with a little song for the letters of their name then the learning is usually much faster. For example, if your child has a 5 letter name try replacing the letters of the song BINGO with the letters of your child’s name. With a 3 letter name you can replace the first 3 letters of BINGO with the letters of the name and replace GO with “spells name”. For example, with the name Pat you can sing “P-A-T spells Pat, P-A-T spells Pat, P-A-T spells Pat, and Pat is your name.”

7. Tracing Their Name

After they can say aloud the spelling of their name then make or print out some tracing pages of their name. This creates a direct association of the shape of the letters with the letters of their name. This activity strongly reinforces learning to recognize and print their own name. Not only are they learning letters, but also early printing skills.

8. Tracing the Letters of the Alphabet

After your child can read and print their own name, then he/she can start tracing the rest of the alphabet. This will reinforce the oral learning of the alphabet with early printing skills. Either create tracing pages of letters, or print out some pre-made letter tracing pages. Repetitive tracing of each letter will solidify their learning of the letter shapes.

The most important things to remember about teaching your child the alphabet are to keep it fun and keep at it daily. You don’t have to work at it for long stretches at a time. That will only frustrate a child. Teach the alphabet in little bits at various times throughout each day and you’ll be amazed at your child’s progress.

Sheila Anderson creates fun and educational printable activity pages and worksheets. These free printables can be found at http://www.PrintActivities.com

Mari Mengenal Huruf

Di bawah ni antara aktiviti yang boleh kita lakukan supaya murid lebih seronok mengenal huruf pada awal2 pembelajaran mereka ni..

1- Mengenal huruf melalui nama mereka sendiri
Buatkan kad nama mereka, biar murid sebutkan huruf yang ada pada nama mereka, letakkan nama pada barang2 mereka supaya murid sentiasa bermain dengan nama mereka, nyanyikan lagu menggunakan nama2 mereka...

2- Huruf2 magnet
Beri peluang kepada murid mengambil huruf2 yang ada pada nama mereka. Pastikan murid mengambil kedua2 huruf kecil dan besar. Selepas itu, biar mereka susun semula huruf2 tersebut membentuk nama mereka...mesti mrk seronok..

3- Menekap nama/teknik gosokan
Aktiviti ni rasanya mesti menarik..tp cikgu kenalah korban masa buat sat...he..he, buatkan nama/huruf pada kadbod, gamkan huruf2 tersebut pada kadbod yang lebih besar. Letakkan sehelai kertas diatas kadbod tadi (yang dah digamkan dgn huruf2 @ nama tu) dan gunakan krayon untuk menggosok kertas tersebut...dan...haaa pasti nama mereka @ huruf tadi tertera semula pada kertas tu..mesti murid seronok kan....

4- Gelang nama
Untuk memudahkan murid mengingati nama dan menulis nama mereka dengan mudah, buatkan gelang tangan yang mempunyai nama mereka...Tuliskan nama pada sekeping kertas yang dipotong lebih kurang saiz pergelangan tangan budak...(lebar dan panjang tu bergantung pd cikgu la nak potongnya). Pakaikan gelang tersebut dan lekatkan hujung kertas dengan gam. Kalau mau ceria lagi..biarkan murid warna @ corakkan gelang mereka jika mahu...

5- Jom cari huruf
Di atas sehelai kertas, tulis @ taip seberapa banyak huruf yang boleh dan biarkan murid mencari huruf2 yang berkaitan dengan nama mereka dan bulatkan.

6- Huruf pasir
Biasalah yang ini memang kita dah buatkan...minta murid menulis huruf2 di atas pasir..ala kat sudut main pasir tu la..

7. Huruf di pinggan
Yang ini kita perlukan pinggan kertas/ pinggan polysterin dan penyepit kain. apa perlu kita buat..dengan menggunakan marker pen, bahagikan pinggan tersebut kepada 4 hingga 8 bahagian dan tulis huruf2 di atasnya. Selepas itu, tulis jugaklah huruf2 pada penyepit tu..dan mintaklah murid2 tu cari penyepit yang mempunyai huruf yang sama seperti pada pinggan mereka dan sepitlah pada pinggan tersebut mengikut huruf yang tertera...(kira macam padankan huruf yang sama)

Jom Tengok Ape Lagi Ada :

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