Let's Join Me..

Friday, 21 October 2011

Aktiviti yang menarik untuk mengenal huruf..

Anda mungkin tercari-cari program yang sesuai untuk peringkat awal persekolahan ini. Jom kita layari laman web berikut. Aktivitinya sesuai dengan anak-anak didik kita.
  1. ABC's - Click on the letter to hear its name.
  2. ABC's - Click on the letter to hear its name.
  3. ABC's - British site; the lower case D'Neilian style letters appear one at a time and the name of the letter is stated. Z is pronounced zed in Britian.
  4. ABC - magnet alphabet video
  5. ABC Video - Teach your child the sounds of letters with this online movie based on the Reading Lesson
  6. ABC Mommy and Me - Click on the letters to hear their names.
  7. The ABC Game - Pick the object that starts with the letter shown at the top of each page. This game has 10 questions
  8. The Alphabet - States the Alphabet in order. This is a British site and the Zis not called a Z. When you click on the letters across the top, you have a choice of listening to the name, listening to the sound, learning how to write the letter.
  9. Alphabet Antics - Listen to the monkey say the letter. Click on the correct letter. Three levels.
  10. Alphabet Art - A few fun mediums you can use to help your students form letters of the alphabet.
  1. Alphabet Action - Click a letter to hear its name and see a picture.
  2. Alphabet Awareness - from StarFall - click on a letter and hear the name of the letter. When the arrow at the bottom is clicked, the sound of the letter is heard along with a rhyme.
  3. Alphabet Coloring Pages - Many pictures for each letter. Color online
  4. Alphabet Goop - stir the goop and then match what comes out to one of two letters
  5. Alphabet Match Game - Match capital with small letter.
  6. Alphabet Preschool Activities and Crafts - Each letter has a variety of activities and crafts.
  7. The Alphabet Jungle Song - Song, plus letters. This is a British site and the Z is called a zed.
  8. The Animated Alphabet - Click on a letter on the left and it states the letter and has a movie to go with it.
  9. Keyboard-O-rama - Press any letter on the keyboard and Elmo will tell you what it is and show a picture that starts with that letter.
  10. Learn Your ABC's - (from Fisher Price) The letter is named. Students press a letter on the keyboard to go to the next letter. Gets students used to using the keyboard as an input objects instead of the mouse.
  11. Learn your Letters - click on the objects that start with the given letter - after selecting the letters Jump with Cow to collect objects practicing moving your mouse
  12. Letter Practice - Dotted pages to print to help trace letters with fingers for recognition.
  13. Letter TV Teacher Audio Alphabet - click on a letter to hear it pronounced.
  14. Lost Letters - type letters which pop up on the screen to spell words - three levels
  15. Magic Mailbox ABC's - Click to see what letter is hiding in the mailbox. random letters pop out and are pronounced
  16. Musical Worms Spelling - in Level 1 see the word and click on correct letters one at a time, singing worms will tell you what you spelled. Level 2 shows a picture and pronounces but students must spell by clicking on letters
  17. Online Alphabet book - see the letter and a pictures to associate with it. No audio
  18. Printed Alphabet activities - Cut letters into pieces for a center time activity. Put a letter train together in correct order. Many other activities
  19. Pick a letter and hear its name - Click on a letter and hear the name of the letter;see a picture of an object that starts with that letter.
  20. Songs for each letter of the alphabet - Click on the letter and hear the song .
  21. Sunnie's Letters - Segments of letters so child is not overwhelmed. Match picture to beginning sound after identifying set of letters.

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